Pahartali Textile & Hosiery Mill

Pahartali Textile & Hosiery Mill
Address,: ISpahani BUilding, Sk Mujib Road, AgraDad C/A, Chittagong. Ispahani Complex. North Paharlali, Chittagong- 4202.
Mobile Number : +88088031710471
Company Service: Pahartali Textile & Hosiery Mills (PTHM), established in 1954, is a prominent spinning unit of M.M. Ispahani Limited, located in the Ispahani Complex in Chittagong, Bangladesh. The mill has a production capacity of 58 metric tons of yarn per day and supplies diverse yarns to leading export-oriented industries in Bangladesh and renowned global retail clothing brands.Pahartali Textile & Hosiery Mills (PTHM), a unit of M.M. Ispahani Limited, specializes in producing high-quality yarns for the textile industry. Their product offerings include: Yarn Types: 100% Cotton Yarn Polyester-Cotton Blended Yarn Viscose Blended Yarn Recycled Polyester Blended Yarn These yarns are supplied to leading export-oriented industries in Bangladesh and renowned global retail clothing brands
Products: 100% Cotton Yarn,Polyester-Cotton Blended Yarn,Viscose Blended Yarn,Recycled Polyester Blended Yarn

031-716154-56, 031-711846
mahbubul aIam[Bispahanibd ”
pfhm@ispahan‹bd Oom
Fac: 031-716154-56
mytg pthm@ispahanibd com

Spinning Capacity: 91296 Spindles.
22896538 kgs.

Contact person: Mr. Mirza Salon ispahan (MD) Mr. Nahbubul Alam

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