Mosharal Composite Textile M'''Limited.

Mosharal Composite Textile M'''Limited.
Address,: Red Cresent Borak Tower (SW) 37/3/A, Level- 7, 71-72 Old Elephant Road, Eskaton, Ramna, Dhaka-1000. BaniarGhala, Bhabanipur, GaZipUr.
Mobile Number : +88088029332165
Company Service: Mosharaf Composite Textile Mills Ltd. is a prominent textile manufacturing company based in Bangladesh, specializing in the production of various yarns and fabrics. The company is a part of the Mosharaf Group, which is involved in diverse sectors including textiles, fishing nets, fertilizers, cold storage, food grains, chemicals, and more. Mosharaf Composite Textile Mills Ltd., a subsidiary of Mosharaf Group, offers a wide range of products and services in the textile industry. Their offerings include: Products: Yarns: Specializing in over 30 types of yarns, such as recycled, blended, organic, and fancy yarns. TEXTILE FOCUS Fabrics: Providing knitted fabrics suitable for various garment applications. Apparel: Manufacturing ready-made garments for diverse markets. Services: Knitting: Producing high-quality knitted fabrics. Dyeing: Offering fabric dyeing services with a focus on sustainability. Printing: Providing fabric printing solutions. Washing: Specializing in garment washing techniques.
Products: Yarns, Fabrics

49350721, 9330648, 9330763
mosharaftextilefdyahoocom hishwazit@mosharafgroup am , Factory: 01847160996

Spinning Capacity: 119760 Spindles
5528 Rotors.
37 Autocone
36000000 Kgs.

Contact person:

Md. Mosharaf Hossain (MD), Mr. Bishwazit Chakraborty,

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