M G Cotton Mills Ltd.

Address,: I-louse - 79, Shah Makhdum Avenue Sector - 12, Utlara, Dhaka-1230. 28/C-3 Toyenbee Circular Raad, 2nd FIar,MotijheeI, Dhaka-1000. Kashob, Hobirbari, Valuka, Mymensingh.
Email: mqcoltonmillsltd@qmail.com
Company Service: MG Cotton Mills Ltd. is a 100% export-oriented yarn manufacturer, established in 2017. The company operates under the membership of the Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA). Their factory is located in Kashor, Hobirbari, Valuka, Mymensingh, with the head office situated at H-79, 3rd Floor, Shah Makhdum Avenue, Sector-12, Uttara, Dhaka. MGCOTTONBD.COM The Managing Director of the company is Mr. Md. Ruhul Amin. DNB.COM As of the latest available information, MG Cotton Mills Ltd. employs over 800 individuals across various sections to maintain daily production and ensure product quality.
Products: Carded Yarn, Combed Yarn
01711848590, 01717744466
Spinning Capacity: 48756 Spindless
5950000 Kgs
Contact person: Mr. Ruhul Amin(MD)