Halek Spinning Mills Ltd

Halek Spinning Mills Ltd
Address,: Tower il 117, 117/A, Tejgaon Industrial Area Dhaka. Shafipur, Kaliakor, Gazipur.
Mobile Number : +88088028828953
Company Service: Halek Spinning Mills Ltd." or individuals named "Hatin Chowdhury" and "Md. Nazrvl Islam." It's possible there might be a typographical error in the names or company title. For instance, "Malek Spinning Mills Ltd." is a well-known company in Bangladesh's textile industry. Established in 1991, Malek Spinning Mills operates with nearly 64,000 spindles and supplies yarn to local garment manufacturers who export globally.Malek Spinning Mills PLC, established in 1989, is a prominent textile company in Bangladesh specializing in the production of high-quality yarns and fabrics. The company's product and service offerings include: Products: Ring-Spun Yarn: Produced using 100% U.S. cotton, Malek Spinning offers both combed and carded ring-spun yarns. Combed yarn counts range from 20Ne to 40Ne, while carded yarn counts range from 18Ne to 50Ne. EMIS.COM Open-End Carded Yarn: Through its subsidiary, Salek Textile Limited, the company produces open-end carded yarns in various counts, with an annual capacity of approximately 12,070,000 kilograms. MARKETSCREENER.COM Denim Fabrics: Malek Spinning manufactures denim fabrics catering to local garment manufacturers. STOCKANALYSIS.COM Apparel Products: The company's subsidiary, J.M. Fabrics Limited, produces export-oriented knit garments, including denim bottoms (shorts, long pants, skirts) and seamless activewear such as leggings, bras, bikinis, briefs, jersey knits, hooded jackets, and men's boxers
Products: high-quality yarns

8875062-63, 883277162, IPT:
aIIabit6dhaka.net , allabi@newasiabd.com Factory: 9289208

Spinning Capacity: 63624 Spindles.
21 Autocone
12,600,000 Kgs.

Contact person:

A. Hatin Chowdhury (HD) Md. Nazrvl Islam (DGH)

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